Wednesday, June 16, 2010

# Assignment 10 -- BBC Message Board


posted by LARRY :

What is the tip for memory English word? It is easy for me forget the memoried words.


posted by wes :

Read a word a hundred times - with luck you might remember it.Say a word ten times - you could remember it.USE a word correctly two or three times - you'll remember it.Words 'learnt' from lists just end up in your passive vocabulary - OK for reading or listening. Words learnt because you know how to use them (and pronounce them!) are in your active vocabulary - and this is the important one.

The reply is good. But I can't ask questions in the morning. It is not convenient.

1 comment:

  1. One way to memorize words well is to read as much as you could so you'll have plenty of chances to "review" the words you learn.
