Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Assignment 3

"Large" usually describe the amount of the thing which is uncountable.
"Large" also could describe the size of clothes.
ex.I will be very upset if I see a large amount of lottery money spent on just one or two institutions in the short term.

"Big" could describe countable noun or uncountable noun.
"Big" usually describe countble noun.
ex.There are no big differences between young and old or across the social classes.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Assignment 2

After using some online dictionaries,I feel that these online dictionaries are more
convenient than the paper dictionaries I use before.Because it takes a lot of time
to look up the word in paper the dictionary.
The strengh of the paper dictionary is portable.I can take it to everywhere.And taking a computer is inconvenient.
When I raed the article from CNN,I use the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary.
It is fast.And the meaning of the word is clear.

Here are five words I look up:

1.humanitarian [noun]
(a person who is) involved in or connected with improving people's lives and reducing suffering

2.epicenter [noun]
the point on the Earth's surface directly above an earthquake or atomic explosion

3.stability [noun]
when something is not likely to move or change

4.juncture [noun]
a particular point in time

5.aftershock [noun]
a sudden movement of the Earth's surface which often follows an earthquake and which is less violent than the first main movement

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hello,everyone.I am Larry.My Chinese name is Ming-Hsun Hsieh.
I am 21 years old now.I will graduate this year.
Now I live in Xindian city with my classmates.
Everyday I need about 40 minutes to take the bus to NTUST.

My major is Computer science.In Computer science,we have to
learn a lot about mathematics and computer architecture.
In the past four years,I also learn some courses of Management,
such as Economics and Marketing.The courses are very interesting.

My hometown is Taichung city.I live with my father,mother,and sister.
Taichung city is a nice place.The weather is always comfortable.

I like tennis and baseball.I like to watch baseball games and
tennis tournaments.I also play tennis and baseball in my free time.

I hope that my English will progress in this course.